
ProExtender™ is the most effective penis enlargement system yet!
Because it actually works!
Tissue stretching is a historically and now medically proven method for body modification. Medical doctors use tissue expanders for the purpose of enlarging soft tissue in many types of reconstructive surgery. Limbs are lengthened by orthopaedic surgeons. New skin is grown through stretching existing living skin. And in Africa and South America, tribal peoples have performed lip and ear stretching as a cultural practice for centuries.
Tissue stretching WORKS!
While it is difficult to find specific literature on the subject, many native tribes across the world practice body modification through stretching. The use of pressure or tension to stretch skin and tissue has been well proven to work over centuries.
Centuries of proof
There is no lack of examples from around the world that the human body responds to sustained pressure by stretching and lengthening. Possibly the best known are the ‘Giraffe Women’ of Thailand.
The ‘Hill People’ (or Pa Dong Karen) who live near the borders of modern-day Buma and Thailand are probably the best known of all native cultures who practice body stretching. Known as the Giraffe Women, this tribe has practiced body stretching over many generations.
It is a tradition that some of the women in the tribe wear a large number of ornamental brass rings around their necks, starting when they are young (6 or 8 years old), and slowly, a ring at a time, lengthen the distance between their shoulders and heads. The process takes many years, but the results are astounding – and very real.
The current record, according to one of the woman, is 28 brass rings, although most stop when they get to about 20. This example proves vividly that soft tissue isn’t the only part of the body that responds to traction, but that even bone tissue can be modified over time.
More examples of successful tissue expansion
In South America, the Suya tribesmen of the Amazon have practiced ritual lip and ear stretching for spiritual and cultural reasons. Young men of the tribe had their lips and ears pierced when still young, and over several years stretch them sufficiently to hold disks several inches across. The amount of stretching that was attained could equal 300% size increase or more from the original size of the tissue.
In Africa, the women of the Mursi tribe who live in the Omo Valley of southern Ethiopia also wear lip disks, a practice continued there for centuries. While this may look wild to outsiders, these disks marked the wearers as women of status, with the larger disks representing both sexual maturity and social position. Some of the Mursi women have developed their lips so far as to be able to pull them over their own heads!
While lip disks are worn to increase the size of the lower lip, the pressure they put on the jawbone also affects it over the long term. The teeth and jaw gradually give way under the continued pressure, gradually forcing them to arch backwards out of the normal ‘u’ shape of the jaw. The lesson here:
Tissue DOES grow when pressured to do so,
but the process DOES take time.
ProExtender™ for permanent penis enlargement
The ProExtender™ is the worlds leading penis extension device. Developed in Europe by Jorn Ege Siana, M.D., a certified specialist in general and plastic surgery, the ProExtender™™ will increase the length and girth of your penis using the exact same physical principles that are used in the examples above.
Use the ProExtender™ for just a couple hours each day and you’ll see REAL results in just months. The device is low profile enough to fit inconspicuously beneath loose clothing, and will
ProExtender™ uses the principles of cell mitosis, which is the process by which cells divide to create larger amounts of tissue. Stretching puts a gentle tension on the penis, pulling the cells apart. This intracellular tension causes the body to grow new cells to relieve the tension. Your penis actually grows new tissue!
This groundbreaking device gives you absolute control of both the time and amount of tension put on your penis while in pursuit of optimum penis enlargement. Enlarge your penis without invasive and potentially damaging surgery, or even so much as a doctors appointment with this amazing new device.
Look into the ProExtender™ today!
The best thing about ProExtender™ is that although doctors worldwide have prescribed it, YOU DON’T NEED A PRESCRIPTION to buy one!
Do yourself a favour. If you are seriously interested in penis enlargement, research the Pro Extender (, and you’ll see what it is that makes it better than any other enlargement method on the market.
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