Thursday, May 11, 2006

The formula is ALL natural, with NO harmful ingredients, NO side effects and nothing artificial – just an easy-to-use, effective way to achieve your best sexual experiences and performance ever! Men love the results (and their partners do, too!), in fact, VP-RX Virility Pills are a top seller among competitive brands, making them the #1 choice for those seeking safe and effective male enhancement.
That’s right: SAFE and EFFECTIVE: Our pharmaceutical-grade laboratory uses only pure, fast-acting, intensity-boosting herbal ingredients to give you intense pleasure and more powerful performance with any sexual activity. Only 100% natural plant extracts and nutrients will do for the makers of VP-RX Virility Pills.
BEST of ALL: VP-RX Virility Pills contain ingredients that contribute to the overall well-being of your reproductive system – your vital goods are rejuvenated and tonified for optimum health and function.

The formula is ALL natural, with NO harmful ingredients, NO side effects and nothing artificial – just an easy-to-use, effective way to achieve your best sexual experiences and performance ever! Men love the results (and their partners do, too!), in fact, VP-RX Virility Pills are a top seller among competitive brands, making them the #1 choice for those seeking safe and effective male enhancement.
That’s right: SAFE and EFFECTIVE: Our pharmaceutical-grade laboratory uses only pure, fast-acting, intensity-boosting herbal ingredients to give you intense pleasure and more powerful performance with any sexual activity. Only 100% natural plant extracts and nutrients will do for the makers of VP-RX Virility Pills.
BEST of ALL: VP-RX Virility Pills contain ingredients that contribute to the overall well-being of your reproductive system – your vital goods are rejuvenated and tonified for optimum health and function.

MAGNA-RX+ Penis Enhancement System is absolutely the easiest and fastest doctor-recommended way to satisfy your lover like never before! In just a few short weeks, you’ll be amazed as you watch your erection become the hardest, most powerful one she’s ever had, and the one she’ll remember forever and ever! No penis enhancement system or pill is easier to use, works faster, or is more effective than the MAGNA-RX+ Penis Enhancement Formula – GUARANTEED!

How Natural Penis Enhancement Pills Work
Years ago, men in our culture pretty much accepted whatever they were dealt in the sexual department, and they certainly didn't talk about their problems or concerns. Today, men aren't willing to live with uncertainty, embarrassment or feelings of inadequacy when it comes to sex -- and fortunately, they've found there really is something they can do about it. With the advent of prescription drugs for impotence, men began to question their long-held beliefs that sexual problems were just something you had to learn to live with (or deny). But prescription drugs aren't for everyone, and indeed, most men have concerns that can be addressed more simply and inexpensively than with doctor's office visits and subsequent pharmaceutical prescriptions.
Now men have another option: all-natural male enhancement supplements. Anyone who's been watching TV or using the Internet lately knows these products are out there, but few know how they work or which products do work.
So let's take a look at how these products do the job and what makes them effective for hundreds of thousands of men.
Quality male enhancement pills contain a number of botanical and natural ingredients that come from around the world, with proven anecdotal records of success in increasing libido, empowering sexual drive and function, and creating greater stamina and erection hardness. Today, even medical doctors, typically resistant to herbal and naturopathic healing, now endorse natural formulas for male sexual enhancement.
The best formulas out there contain scientifically tested, potent aphrodisiac herbal concentrates from China, Europe and South America to successfully stimulate sexual activity, maintain a firm erection and increase sexual pleasure.
First, they promote peripheral tissue vasodilation to improve arterial erectile function. The ingredients have a direct effect on the endothelial cells, which enhances blood flow of both penile arteries and veins without any change in the systemic blood pressure. Some formulas also have the ability to relax and tonify the nervous system, which is necessary to deal fully with psychological stressors present.
When looking for a good supplement, you may come across many of the same ingredients in many of them -- however, keep in mind that it is not only the specific components, but the blends, proportions and formulation that make a difference. Here are some of the herbs commonly used, and their effects in the male body:
- Epimedium Leaf Extract
Epimedium was discovered in 200 BC. Legend has it that an ancient Chinese goat herder noticed that his flock suddenly became sexually active after grazing in a certain patch of weed. The Chinese consider Epimedium to be the premier libido lifter for men. It is also reputed to have a testosterone effect, to stimulate the sensory nerves and restore sexual desire. After centuries of use in China, top medical doctors now report that Epimedium can be used to boost libido, improve erectile function, restore sexual power and increase sensation. Scientifically, Epimedium works by freeing up testosterone, which naturally increases sex drive and endurance.
- Cuscuta Seed Extract
Cuscuta is frequently used in long-term tonic programs, most commonly to strengthen the uro-genital functions. It is used to treat premature ejaculation, frequent urination and leukorrhea as well as aching lower back, symptoms that often accompany deficient kidney conditions which cause sexual weakness. Cuscuta seed is also widely used to nourish the sperm and marrow and strengthen sinews of the sexual organs. It is used to increase fertility in both men and women, and is listed as an aphrodisiac in all traditional Chinese pharmacopoeias.
- Ginko Biloba Leaf
For over 5,000 years, Ginkgo has been prescribed in Chinese herbal medicine. In the last 30 years, more that 300 studies have given clinical evidence that Ginkgo prevents and benefits many problems throughout the entire body. Ginkgo is gaining recognition as a brain tonic that enhances memory because of its positive effects on the vascular system, especially in the cerebellum. Ginkgo improves peripheral circulation, oxygenation, and increases blood flow to the genitals to improve sexual function and the power of an erection. In a recent scientific study, 78% of men with non-medically caused impotence problems reported significant improvement - significantly, with no side effects. Ginkgo has been shown to be nutritional support for mental alertness, enhanced vitality level, circulatory health and blood vessel health. Note that its high antioxidant activity is valuable for fighting age-related conditions. Ginkgo may help to counteract the effects of aging, including mental fatigue and lack of energy.
- Asian Red Ginseng - Panax Ginseng
Ginseng is traditionally used to overcome general weakness and deliver extra energy. It also has aphrodisiacal powers. Used to combat non medically caused impotence, and premature ejaculation, Ginseng helps normalize blood pressure while rejuvenating and revitalizing the body. It also promotes the growth of nerve tissue. A key ingredient of Ginseng is ginsenoside, which alters blood flow to the brain and penis and can build blood and sperm. Russian scientists have reported and recorded that Ginseng stimulates both physical and mental activity, enhances athletic performance and has a positive effect on the sex glands.
- Saw Palmetto Berry - Fructus Serenoae
Native Americans and early American settlers used Saw Palmetto to treat problems associated with the genitals, urinary tract and reproductive system. This herb is called the "plant catheter" due to its therapeutic effect on the neck of the bladder and the prostate in men. Saw Palmetto is widely used in Germany, Canada, the United Kingdom and the U.S. for nutritionally benefiting the prostate and urinary tract. Saw Palmetto is a tonic, and is one of the few herbal remedies that are considered to be anabolic -- strengthening and building body tissues. The Saw Palmetto berries have long held a reputation as sexual stimulants and aphrodisiacs. Their largest use today is as a supplement for reducing enlarged prostate glands, treating urinary tract problems and for improving body strength. Saw Palmetto has shown significant action in treatment of conditions associated with benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH). Saw Palmetto extract works to prevent testosterone from converting into dihydrotestosterone, the hormone thought to cause prostrate cells to multiply which leads to an enlarged prostate. Saw Palmetto inhibits androgen and estrogen receptor activity and may be beneficial for both sexes in balancing the hormones. Because of its hormonal effects, Saw Palmetto can aid the thyroid in regulating sexual development and normalizing activity of those glands and organs.
- Muira Pauma Bark Extract
Muria Puama is an herb from a shrub native to Brazil, otherwise known as "Potency Wood". Both verbal and written historical records show that Muria Puama helps with lack of sexual desire and the difficulty to maintain erection. Muria Puama is used to restore sexual virility and to treat genital weakness "of intent", meaning the strength associated with sexual desire and potency in men. The textbook Specific Indications for Herbs in General Use, published by the Southwest School of Botanical Medicine, lists benefits of Muria Puama to these specific body systems: Improvement in reproductive system function, adrenal stress, cardiovascular system function, central nervous system activity, renal activity, and thyroid stress. Recent clinical studies further validate the potency of Muria Puama.
- Catuaba Bark Extract
Catuaba has a long history in herbal medicine as a male 'strengthener' and aphrodisiac. The Tupi Indians in Brazil first discovered the qualities of the Catuaba plant and over the last centuries, have composed many songs praising its wonders. Indigenous people and local people have used Catuaba for generations and it is the most famous of all Brazilian aphrodisiaca plants. In the state of Minas there is a saying which goes, "Until a father reaches 60, the son is his, after that the son is Catuaba's." According to Dr. Meira Penna, Catuaba "functions as a stimulant of the nervous system, above all when one deals with functional impotence of the male genital organs... it is an innocent aphrodisiac, used without any ill effects at all." In Brazilian herbal medicine today, Catuaba is regarded as an aphrodisiac with "proven efficacy." Herbalists and health practitioners in the United States use Catuaba regularly as a tonic for genital function, as a central nervous system stimulant, and for treatment of sexual non medically caused impotence. According to Michael van Straten, noted British author and researcher of medicinal plants, Catuaba is beneficial to both men and women as an aphrodisiac, but "it is in the area of male impotence that the most striking results have been reported" and "there is no evidence of side effects, even after long-term use."
- Hawthorn Berry - Fructus Crataegi
This phytochemical, with exceptional preventive capacities, comes from the hawthorn tree. Hawthorn is rich in bioflavonoids, which relax and dilate the arteries. These compounds are powerful antioxidants that help increase the flow of blood and oxygen to the heart. This reduces the work required by the heart to circulate blood, and in- turn this reduces blood pressure and stress to the heart muscle. The bioflavonoid substances in Hawthorn give strength to the walls of blood vessels and improve blood flow to other areas of the body. Components in Hawthorn have also been shown to lower cholesterol, and the amount of plaque in arteries. Officially approved for pharmaceutical use in Germany, government studies show the Hawthorn plant to be completely free of any side effects. European studies have shown that the Hawthorn botanical increases blood flow to the heart and brain, protects the heart from irregular beats, enhances the strength of the heart's contractions, and mildly lowers blood pressure.
Other botanicals appear in male sexual aids, as well; its advisable to research the effects. The ingredients shown above are the "gold standard" however; they can be found in the correct proportions in a very popular supplement called VigRX™. It goes to work directly within the male genitalia, with effects on hormonal levels, blood flow and the responsive cells of the penis. The VigRX™ supplement is probably one of the best out there, given its proprietary formula in which ingredients are correctly proportioned and then made into tablets in a certified pharmaceutical grade laboratory. The company that produces VigRX™ has been in business for years, right from the beginning of this breakthrough in male enhancement products.
When choosing a male enhancement formula, keep in mind these criteria: quality, guaranteed potency, guarantee of satisfaction, full disclosure of ingredients and a good track record of customer results. Again, the products do work and draw on the experience of centuries of herbal and natural medicinal supplements -- but choose carefully. It's your body, and you want only the best for it! If you are having difficulties knowing which product to try, we recommend and stand behind VigRX™ for both performance and customer service.

ProExtender™ is the most effective penis enlargement system yet!
Because it actually works!
Tissue stretching is a historically and now medically proven method for body modification. Medical doctors use tissue expanders for the purpose of enlarging soft tissue in many types of reconstructive surgery. Limbs are lengthened by orthopaedic surgeons. New skin is grown through stretching existing living skin. And in Africa and South America, tribal peoples have performed lip and ear stretching as a cultural practice for centuries.
Tissue stretching WORKS!
While it is difficult to find specific literature on the subject, many native tribes across the world practice body modification through stretching. The use of pressure or tension to stretch skin and tissue has been well proven to work over centuries.
Centuries of proof
There is no lack of examples from around the world that the human body responds to sustained pressure by stretching and lengthening. Possibly the best known are the ‘Giraffe Women’ of Thailand.
The ‘Hill People’ (or Pa Dong Karen) who live near the borders of modern-day Buma and Thailand are probably the best known of all native cultures who practice body stretching. Known as the Giraffe Women, this tribe has practiced body stretching over many generations.
It is a tradition that some of the women in the tribe wear a large number of ornamental brass rings around their necks, starting when they are young (6 or 8 years old), and slowly, a ring at a time, lengthen the distance between their shoulders and heads. The process takes many years, but the results are astounding – and very real.
The current record, according to one of the woman, is 28 brass rings, although most stop when they get to about 20. This example proves vividly that soft tissue isn’t the only part of the body that responds to traction, but that even bone tissue can be modified over time.
More examples of successful tissue expansion
In South America, the Suya tribesmen of the Amazon have practiced ritual lip and ear stretching for spiritual and cultural reasons. Young men of the tribe had their lips and ears pierced when still young, and over several years stretch them sufficiently to hold disks several inches across. The amount of stretching that was attained could equal 300% size increase or more from the original size of the tissue.
In Africa, the women of the Mursi tribe who live in the Omo Valley of southern Ethiopia also wear lip disks, a practice continued there for centuries. While this may look wild to outsiders, these disks marked the wearers as women of status, with the larger disks representing both sexual maturity and social position. Some of the Mursi women have developed their lips so far as to be able to pull them over their own heads!
While lip disks are worn to increase the size of the lower lip, the pressure they put on the jawbone also affects it over the long term. The teeth and jaw gradually give way under the continued pressure, gradually forcing them to arch backwards out of the normal ‘u’ shape of the jaw. The lesson here:
Tissue DOES grow when pressured to do so,
but the process DOES take time.
ProExtender™ for permanent penis enlargement
The ProExtender™ is the worlds leading penis extension device. Developed in Europe by Jorn Ege Siana, M.D., a certified specialist in general and plastic surgery, the ProExtender™™ will increase the length and girth of your penis using the exact same physical principles that are used in the examples above.
Use the ProExtender™ for just a couple hours each day and you’ll see REAL results in just months. The device is low profile enough to fit inconspicuously beneath loose clothing, and will
ProExtender™ uses the principles of cell mitosis, which is the process by which cells divide to create larger amounts of tissue. Stretching puts a gentle tension on the penis, pulling the cells apart. This intracellular tension causes the body to grow new cells to relieve the tension. Your penis actually grows new tissue!
This groundbreaking device gives you absolute control of both the time and amount of tension put on your penis while in pursuit of optimum penis enlargement. Enlarge your penis without invasive and potentially damaging surgery, or even so much as a doctors appointment with this amazing new device.
Look into the ProExtender™ today!
The best thing about ProExtender™ is that although doctors worldwide have prescribed it, YOU DON’T NEED A PRESCRIPTION to buy one!
Do yourself a favour. If you are seriously interested in penis enlargement, research the Pro Extender (, and you’ll see what it is that makes it better than any other enlargement method on the market.

How Male Enhancement Patches Work
Suddenly, pharmaceutical patches are everywhere for every ailment: nonsmoking drugs, anti-depressants, birth control, and hundreds of prescription drugs are now coming out in patch form. It's fast becoming the preferred method of taking medicines, because there's no dilution of potency, no nausea or side effects to the digestive system, continuous time-released delivery and more accurate blood levels of the desired ingredients. It's also very easy to use and has a long shelf life.
It's no surprise, then, that this popular method of administering pharmaceuticals has also come to the all-natural male enhancement sector. Once only available in oral tablets or capsules, male enhancement benefits are now in the patch, making it super effective and more convenient than ever.
Thousands of men have already used the patch to address these concerns: Natural penis enhancement, harder, longer-lasting erections when aroused, better ejaculation control, consistently stronger sex drive, and greater orgasm intensity.
Patch products for male enhancement benefit from years of research and the latest up-to-the-minute know-how on transdermal pharmaceutical delivery. The patches release their active ingredients directly through the skin into the bloodstream in a sustained, gradual way over several hours. Because the ingredients don’t have to travel through the stomach, potency is much more predictable and efficient. Unlike pills, which often have to be taken at frequent intervals, the patch is a simple one-time application for full strength throughout the day.
The patch maintains consistent, non-fluctuating levels of active ingredients in the bloodstream - so there are no sudden dips or crashes.
For male enhancement, quality patches are difficult to come by. The companies that have a good track record of customer ordering, customer results and involvement by medical professionals are obviously the ones to choose. The surveys we conducted showed that the MaxiDerm™ product gave the greatest results, and Albion Medical, the company that produces it, has a long history of satisfied customers.
The ingredients for patch products may include:
- Ginseng
Traditionally used to overcome general weakness and deliver extra energy. It also has aphrodisiac powers. Used to combat non-medically caused impotence, and premature ejaculation, ginseng helps normalize blood pressure while rejuvenating and revitalizing the body. It also promotes the growth of nerve tissue. A key component of ginseng is ginsenoside, which alters blood flow to the brain and penis and can build blood and sperm. Russian scientists have reported and recorded that ginseng stimulates both physical and mental activity, enhances athletic performance and has a positive effect on the sex glands.
- Fo-Ti
Known as ho shou wu in China, is widely used as a rejuvenating tonic for longevity and to prevent premature aging and gray hair. It is a plant native to China and is grown extensively in Japan and Taiwan. It is said to help maintain energy, strength and vigor. Fo-ti may be protective against cancer and heart disease. It has been used to improve the memory and for mental depression. Scientific literature reveals that fo-ti additionaly has anti-cancer properties, a sedative effect and beneficial effects on fertility.
- Gotu Kola
A nerve tonic to promote relaxation, with a calming effect on body. It improves circulation by strengthening veins and capillaries, reduces pain and swelling, eliminates excess fluids.
- Saw Palmetto Berry
Beneficial for the reproductive organs of both sexes. It works as an aphrodisiac and tonic, and is used to ease swelling of the prostate and excessive urination. Good for overall male reproductive system.
- Damiana
A sexual stimulant that enhances sexual performance. It works as a tonic to improve overall body function, helps relieve anxiety and promotes a feeling of well-being.
- Yohimbe
An aphrodisiac that also dilates the blood vessels and brings the blood closer to the surface of the sex organs. It lowers blood pressure and increases the reflex excitability of the lower region.
These are just some of the ingredients you might find in a penis enhancement patch. Other things to look for in a good patch are that it is manufactured in a certified lab and that the company offers a money-back guarantee.
Considering the costs of prescription drugs and the immeasurable benefits to a man's confidence, the patch is a great alternative for many men. Remember to shop carefully, and if you can’t find a product on your own, we recommend MaxiDerm™.
VigRX Oil

How Erection Oils Work
New transdermal technologies have made it possible to encapsulate active, herbal ingredients into an oil that you can apply right to the source of the action -- so they take effect immediately. You just massage a little oil onto your penis, and let the games begin.
Too good to be true? Nope. Transdermal oils really do work, and their application as an erection and sexual stamina enhancer is like a match made in heaven.
Here's how it works: ideally, the oil is silky, condom-compatible (aka: water based), and non-greasy. It provides naturally occurring nutrients and herbal extracts directly to the male organ via a breakthrough method - known as the transdermal method, or in some products like VigRX Oil™, the German Transdermal Delivery system. This is the latest scientific development in beneficial nutrient absorption through the skin, so the naturally-derived therapeutic ingredients, botanical extracts, vitamin complexes and antioxidants go straight into the tissues of the penis - fast, targeted specifically, and immediately effective.
Good-quality oils in this category should produce greater penile firmness, an increase in penile tissue engorgement, a longer-lasting erection, and a far reduced occurrence of premature ejaculation.
So how are these oils different from an oral tablet for male enhancement? Enhancement oils are designed to penetrate the deepest layers of the penile tissue and testicles instantaneously, and give noticeable results within 30 - 90 seconds. Because the absorption is direct to the genitals using the transdermal method, 95% of the beneficial ingredients are absorbed, compared to approx 5 to 10% with an herbal capsule or tablet. The other benefit: it lets you be ready for anything! The last-minute nature of this product means you can use it right when you need it with nothing else to remember or take.
Male enhancement oils are part of the next generation of sexual products, and are revolutionizing the industry with their effectiveness. Although commonly referred to as oils, many of these products are water-based. If you are going to be using your “oil” with condoms, make sure the formula you select is water based as oil based formulas reduce the effectiveness of latex. If you are unsure which products are safe with condoms, we suggest you try VigRX Oil™.
The ingredients vary widely by manufacturer, but may include variety of natural herbal remedies, vitamins, amino acids and flavoring. One of the main ingredients in assisting with the sexual boost is L-Argynine, an amino acid which converts to nitric oxide, a fundamental building block to the cycle of orgasm in men. Two other good indicators of quality are the method of manufacture and the longevity of the maker, that is, how long they've been in business.
Since oils are one of the easiest and most fun products to test, the best way to learn about them is just by trying them. For all-around effectiveness and quality control, we like VigRX Oil™, made by the same company as the most popular male oral supplement available, VigRX pills. The criteria for a good oil are all met by VigRX Oil™, and the company offers a full money back guarantee that we’ve tested and verified.

How Ejaculation Volume Enhancers Work
To get a sense of the vital role of a healthy, abundant volume of ejaculate in male pleasure, let's take a look at how male climax works.
Male orgasm happens at the peak of sexual pleasure, when the various muscle groups contract simultaneously: rhythmic contractions of the pubococcygeus muscle (pc muscle) occur along with contractions of the anal sphincter, rectum and perineum, and the ejaculatory ducts and muscles around the penis. The contracting muscles are the key to delivering the load of semen. The first few contractions are intense and close together, occurring at about 0.8-second intervals. As orgasm continues, the contractions diminish in intensity and duration and occur at less frequent intervals.
However, the larger the volume of fluid and sperm that's available for each orgasm, the more contractions it takes to shoot all of it -- and each contraction is stronger and more intense.
That's why several products have hit the market recently that are specifically designed to increase the volume of ejaculate. Some products emphasize more the man's ability to impress a partner (and himself) with a larger, more manly load. But one notable exception emphasizes not just the greater pleasure of climaxing with more semen, but the overall benefits to the male reproductive system. That one is Semenax™, one of our top picks among products for the very sexually active male.
The male sexual system is a complex interplay of many different parts; for maximum pleasure, each must be working in top order at the right time. A good quality male supplement should also enhance the function of each of these vital parts of a man's reproductive system:
- Ejaculatory Ducts:
The path through the seminal glands which semen travels during ejaculation.
- Epididymis:
The epididymis is a 'holding pen' where sperm produced by the seminiferous tubules mature. The sperm wait here until ejaculation.
- Testes, Testicles:
The two testes within the scrotum produce sperm and testosterone. Within each testis is a kilometer (!) of ducts called the seminiferous tubules, the organs which generate sperm.
- Prostate Gland:
Also produces a fluid that makes up the semen. The prostate gland also squeezes shut the urethral duct to the bladder, thus preventing urine from mixing with the semen and disturbing the pH balance required by sperm.
- Seminal Vesicles:
The seminal vesicles produce semen, a fluid that activates and protects the sperm after it has left the penis during ejaculation.
- Vas Deferens:
The ducts leading from the epididymis to the seminal vesicles.
Although "volume" capsules and tablets have the specific purpose of increasing sperm and semen production/amount, we feel it's important to always consider overall male sexual health with any program you decide to pursue.
For some men, the issue of improved potency and fertility is very important as well. If this is of concern to you, look for a supplement that increases both volume of fluid AND quantity and health of sperm. Your load will be not only bigger, more impressive and more pleasurable, but more potent as well. Again, Semenax™ scores high across both categories.
The volume tablets may include amino acids (the building blocks of protein) plus herbal concentrates from China, Europe and South America. Look for ingredients that have been proven over decades or even hundreds of years of experience to stimulate sexual activity and increase semen and sperm production in the testis. Some of the listings you'll see include:
Studies show sperm and semen volume doubles, fertility improves (even among men with low sperm counts or poor sperm motility), and sperm health and activity increase with supplementation.
Researchers find that this amino acids plus zinc increases sperm produced, stimulates testosterone production, and improves semen quality.
Sometimes called "horny goat weed," this botanical boosts libido and testosterone levels for greater sperm production.
Has been shown to increase number of sperm and sperm motility by 80% to 200% by aiding testosterone synthesis.
This amino acid is found in high concentrations in healthy sperm. Proven to significantly increase the percentage of highly motile sperm.
Brazilian herb that strengthens the libido, and nourishes the entire male reproductive system.
Supports prostate health and hormonal production.
MACA Legendary South American botanical proven to promote libido, potency and energy.
Good supplements are manufactured in a pharmaceutical-grade laboratory, and offer a money back guarantee. As with all herbal supplements, shop with care; make sure to choose a reputable company that offers and honors its guarantees. Our research into these products and survey results found Semenax™ to be the best product in this category.
Vaginal Stimulation Creams Work

How Vaginal Stimulation Creams Work
So far, it's mostly men's sexual pleasure and health that's been addressed both by prescription drugs and the burgeoning all-natural supplement sector. Fortunately, a few companies are paying attention to women's needs, and have developed stimulating creams that not only lube but also boost a woman's sensitivity and ability to orgasm more powerfully.
These work by means of the innovative transdermal delivery system. By combining botanical extracts and therapeutic nutrients with natural skin permeation enhancers such as olive squalane, important ingredients can cross the lipid barrier of the epidermis. The result is greatly enhanced sexual sensations in a woman's body.
Some creams and 'natural' products on the market contain ingredients that have well-recognized health hazards associated with their use; the best choice is a sexual enhancement cream that does not contain harsh chemicals, artificial fragrances or color, or synthetic preservatives.
The exact herbal and all-natural formulation of different women's creams varies a great deal. However, it's important that, no matter which product you choose, you pay attention to the details: is the product developed by professionals or naturopaths who have experience in helping women attain ideal sexual and reproductive health? Is there research or documented findings of scientists and herbalists? How have they pinpointed the optimum natural ingredients for clitoral arousal, erection and sensitivity? One we found that meets the criteria for a great, effective women's cream is Vigorelle™. The makers of Vigorelle™ have developed a formula with ingredients combined in the optimal proportions to improve all sexual stimulation. They have created the opportunity for a woman to achieve orgasm, and have implemented revolutionary technology in L-Arginine HCL, responsible for fast, effective absorption of key herbal ingredients into the female lymphatic system. Vigorelle™ also contains powerful antioxidants such as Vitamin A and C for optimum health and nutrition.
Here are some of the ingredients in an effective women's topical preparation, along with their effects in the body:
- Damiana Leaf - Folium Turneraceae
Herb from the subtropics that counteracts chronic loss of sexual power. Damiana has a reputation as a powerful woman's herb with its progesteronic action and powerful aphrodisiac properties. It acts as a tonic to the central nervous system, urinary, reproductive, digestive, and respiratory systems. Damiana is also useful in the treatment of vaginal dryness.
- Suma Root - Radix Pfaffiae Paniculatae
Suma root contains an amazing 152 identified compounds containing the nutritive value of 19 amino acids and many minerals and vitamins. Suma is an excellent natural neuroendocrine restorative, metabolic regulator, antioxidant and immune enhancer. Suma restores the endocrine and immune systems, and also increases estrogens and androgens.
- Motherwort - Herba Leonori
Motherwort is known as a true woman's remedy. This wonderful herb is a uterine tonic that contains alkaloids with the ability to produce uterine contraction. Motherwort is reputed to release tension caused by emotional and mental stress.
- Wild Yam - Rhizoma Dioscorea Villosae
Wild Yam is also called Mexican Wild Yam or Colic Root. Balances human hormone production, enhances a woman's sexual energy. Wild Yam also contains diosgenin, a steroid-like substance that when used in small doses in its natural form, increases fertility.
- Ginkgo Biloba
Increases moisture retention in the upper layers of the skin, and soothes irritation. Improves circulation and vasodilation. Ginkgo is also an antioxidant useful against free radicals, substances that damage cellular health and accelerate aging from both internal and environmental toxins. Gingko leaf it is one of the best herbs available for promoting blood flow and oxygenation throughout the entire body.
- Peppermint Leaf - Folium Menthae Piperitae
Helps the absorption of other substances through cell membranes, induces natural lubrication, invigorates the mind, improves the mood and relaxes a tension-filled, anxiety-ridden nervous system.
As you search for the best women's cream, seek a smooth topical cream packaged in a vacuum sealed pump dispenser by an FDA approved facility GMP (good manufacturing practices) certification. Also consider looking for these features:
- Developed for those who are chemically sensitive and/or health conscious.
- Contains no petrochemical byproducts, artificial colors, flavors and fragrances.
- No propylene glycol and metha or proply paraben.
- Condom compatible.
- Water based.
- pH Balanced.
- Edible non-toxic pleasant flavor.
- Formula that caters to woman's varying needs.
- Easy-to-use pump for dispensing.
- Can be reactivated by water or body fluids.
- Easy to wash off.
Whether you are a woman buying the product for yourself, or a man obtaining it for a partner, insist on the best, highest-quality product. That means accepting that quality (especially organic) herbal ingredients cost more. Once you sample the benefits of these products we’re sure you’ll agree; it’s worth it! If you are unsure of which product to try, we recommend Vigorelle™ for both its performance and the company’s customer service.

How women's libido-boosters work
Women have finally gotten their fair due in the category of all-natural sexual arousal and pleasure enhancers. Currently, there are dozens of such products on the market for men (not to mention several prescription meds that cater only to men), but only very recently have women's products moved into consumer focus. It's a booming segment of the natural supplement market that's more popular than ever.
However, the use of herbs and nutrients to enhance women's sex drives and pleasure is nothing new. For many years, folk medicine and naturopathic healing have had a variety of natural and botanical ingredients in their arsenal of tools to combat women's flagging sexuality due to fatigue, stress, dietary deficiency, aging, hormonal changes or emotional upset. What's new now is the availability of specialized, pre-calibrated formulas in new standardized dosages using many of these time-honored ingredients.
The great news is that the formulas work -- so well that women are buying them in record numbers and celebrating the results. The bad news? That the natural supplement market is easily infiltrated by fakes and poseurs, products that do nothing but cost as much as the real thing.
The wise consumer should first gain an understanding of how these products work, and what goes into a quality supplement, then make an informed choice to enjoy the best results.
What you're looking for is a non-prescription, balanced formula that can be taken as a daily supplement without side effects or interference with birth control or other medications you might be taking. The specific formulation varies by manufacturer, however, all formulas worth purchasing are created in a cGMP pharmaceutical-grade facility, of top-quality ingredients. Here's what else to look for: The ingredients in a good supplement individually will work to promote better blood flow and increased muscular relaxation, plus act on hormones for increased, more energetic sexual response. In addition, the hormone-balancing factors in the formula may combat the negative effects of menopause, such as night sweats and hot flashes, and may even balance mood and attitude before or during menopause. Taken together, in a blend that is thoughtfully created and precisely calibrated, the effects on the overall female reproductive system are overwhelmingly positive -- from a healthier, more satisfying sex life to natural fertility.
With all the choices out there, it takes a diligent researcher to find out which are the effective formulas. One that meets all the critieria above is Provestra™, which in addition to being an effective and very popular libido-booster for women, is also provided by one of the top legitimate companies in sexual health improvement for men and women. Here's a partial list of Provestra™'s ingredients, and a description of how each works specifically on the female reproductive system:
Maca - legendary South American herb with centuries-old reputation for increasing libido
Red raspberry leaf - a female tonic, uterine contraction regulator, pregnancy herb
Red clover - a blood cleanser and nutritive, positive effects on hormonal systems regulating pregnancy and lactation
Cayenne pepper - a stimulant that equalizes circulation and strengthens the heart
Licorice root - a botanical that strengthens and tonifies the adrenal glands and enhances hormonal function
Bayberry fruit - natural ingredient that increases blood flow and capillary dilation in the mucus membranes of the vagina to enhance lubrication
Damiana leaf - a centuries-old remedy used as an aphrodisiac for its ability to stimulate genitals
Valerian root - a time-honored remedy that reduces tension and emotional stress, aids in a restful sleep, and eases menstrual cramps
Ginger root - a total system stimulant that enhances the action of other herbs
Black cohosh root - a favorite of midwives that acts on the uterine and vaginal ability to contract, balances hormones and has a mild sedative effect
Notice that the blend described above goes to work on the libido from multiple fronts: circulatory, hormonal, stress reduction, female-specific tonification and overall effects on the genitals. Other formulas may contain amino acids, vitamins, enzymes or various vegetable extracts. Though many of these ingredients are available individually from health food stores or herbal pharmacies, the prevailing wisdom today points to the superiority of formulas like this, that are pre-calibrated and blended to take the guesswork out of herbal extracts -- not to mention the more economical approach of buying a complete tablet as opposed to a bewildering array of pills or tinctures that must be measured, mixed or calculated each day.
Results vary for individual women, but most report positive effects after only about a week or two on the supplement. Unlike prescription meds, these natural supplements have no side effects and can be obtained without a prescription or costly doctor's office visit. Because of their safety and efficacy, natural supplements are the number one choice today among women seeking to improve their libido and sexual pleasure.
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Nexus Pheromones

How Pheromone colognes work to get you noticed
All the old jokes about being able to "bottle" sex appeal turn out to have a basis in reality. Recently scientists discovered how to isolate and concentrate the chemical-hormonal substances -- called pheromones -- that create sexual attraction in humans. It's now possible to wear pheromones and put out their invisible sexy signals at will.
The effect of pheromones has been very well studied. They cause an instinctual, almost automatic sexual response, which scientists call a "releaser" effect. Each person has a unique "odor print" that's just as individual as fingerprints, created by compounds released from the sebaceous glands, sweat glands and other glands. Among the chemicals and compounds released are pheromones, which drift into our companion's nasal passage and stimulate specialized receptors. Scientists are still studying the receptors to determine whether the "vomeronasal organ" is devoted to exclusively to sensing pheromones, or whether pheromone receptors are part of a more complex system along with olfactory receptors in the nasal passage.
The two compounds that are most widely recognized as pheromones are androstadienone (AND) and estratetraenol (EST). AND is a derivative of testosterone and EST is a relative of estrogen. Scientists have shown that the chemicals change brain patterns as detected by EEGs, functional MRIs, and PET scans, and induce mood changes. That evidence is consistent with what pheromones would do.
Synthesized versions of these compounds can be even more potent and effective than one's natural "odor print" mainly because Americans do so much to obliterate any trace of natural odor and sweat. In today's society, our showering, deodorizing, cologne-applying and almost sterile approach to cleanliness keep our natural pheromones from doing their job.
That's why the idea of concentrated pheromones makes so much sense. The trick is finding a good source of genuine pheromones, not just diluted or even fake preparations making claims. There are a few good products out there that actually are what they say and have an excellent reputation for creating more arousal, more interest, more attraction and more willingness in the opposite sex. One we recommend is Nexus Pheromones™, made from 100% genuine human pheromone. If you're shopping around, insist on a money-back guarantee and note whether the product is pure concentrate vs. a cologne or alcohol preparation that simply contains some tiny proportion of hormone.
Then take your newly anointed self on a test drive and notice what reactions you get and how you feel. Remember, the greatest aphrodisiac on earth is confidence -- so using a little pheromone to boost it is an excellent way to go.

ProFollica™ uses a three part strategy for giving your hair follicles the best chances for hair recovery. These parts include a shampoo, a gel, and a nutritional supplement.
ProFollica™ is specially formulated, using the latest hair loss research information available. The exact formulation of ProFollica™ was developed from years of research, by highly trained professionals. The ingredients, and their exact proportion, were chosen based on their ability to block DHT, increase blood circulation, and to revitalize hair follicles. These compounds have their first visible effects within weeks of starting use. Within 6 months, you'll see substantial new growth!
Here are just some of the ingredients in the ProFollica™ Gel, one of the three system components:
Kigelia Afrcana Extract (blocks enzyme)
Gingko Biloba Extract (stimulates microcirculation in the scalp)
Cinnamomumb Zeylanicum Extract (irrigates DHT and bacteria from scalp)
Salvia Sclarea Extract (stimulates and attaches to DHT)
Panax Ginseng Root Extract (scalp stimulation for increasing hair depth)
ProFollica™ is the natural choice for those who want an alternative to the pharmaceutical approach to hair re-growth.

Cig-Arette™ is a breakthrough program to help you finally stop smoking. Unlike most other programs on the market, Cig-Arette™ addresses each of the major causes of smoking cessation failure. As a result, Cig-Arette™ is considered by several experts to be the most advanced smoking cessation system available.

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GenF20 - HGH

How HGH Supplements Work
Human growth hormone, also called somatotropin, is a protein hormone of 190 amino acids (building blocks of protein) that is created and secreted by the anterior pituitary gland. It has two types of effects, both of which are highly beneficial to the vital, active human body.
One main type of action of the HGH is its direct effects on other kinds of cells. The growth hormone binds to its receptor on target cells, then creates some particular action. Fat cells, for example, are the target cells of HGH, so they have growth hormone receptors. Once bonded there, the growth hormone causes them to break down triglyceride and suppresses their ability to take up and accumulate circulating lipids -- in other words, fat storage is prevented!
HGH also acts to create other indirect effects in the body by causing secretion of IGF-1, an insulin-like growth factor hormone. IGF-1 is secreted from the liver and other tissues in response to growth hormone. This is the action that governs mostly growth-related effects of HGH.
This same effect is also the power behind muscle growth. It stimulates both the differentiation and proliferation of muscle cells, stimulates amino acid uptake and synthesizes protein in muscle and other tissues. This is where HGH's ability to influence overall muscle and skin tone comes from.
Growth hormone has important effects on:
- Protein metabolism:
HGH causes increased amino acid uptake, increased protein synthesis and decreased oxidation of proteins.
- Fat metabolism:
HGH enhances the utilization of fat -- gives your body the ability to break down fat cells more efficiently.
- Carbohydrate metabolism:
HGH is one of several hormones that maintain blood sugar within a normal range.
Because of the abilities of HGH mentioned above, you can soon see that without it, muscle tone declines, fat stubbornly sits in the body and resists metabolism, and hair, skin and nails (all composed of proteins) deteriorate. In fact, scientists now believe that HGH has a role in most healthy functions of the body, including sexual function, proper operation of stomach and bowels, liver, and all glandular systems.
Whether HGH is directly interacting with certain cells, or playing its key part in the correct function of other bodily systems, it's essential throughout the body for youthful vigor and health.
Problem is, HGH augmentation has traditionally been a benefit reserved for the super-rich: until now, only injections of HGH could have an effect in the body, and at a cost of thousands of dollars per treatment.
More recently, pharmaceutical companies and natural supplement companies have fine-tuned the science of HGH stimulation in the body by means of a Growth Hormone releaser. That is, by natural means, the body can be stimulated to produce and release its own HGH, increasing levels to those of a youthful, vital person.
One such supplement is GenF20™, a supplement from a quality manufacturer. Their product works by using a formula to trigger and stimulate the pituitary gland to produce and secrete more HGH itself. The HGH goes into your body just as nature intended, in other words, through the glandular system -- just as it did when you were in your 20s. You see, it is not possible to just make an HGH supplement that would enter the bloodstream by other means than injection, because the HGH molecule is too large to pass through the walls of the digestive system, for instance. But with a "releaser" or stimulator product, your body does the HGH producing itself.
Once stimulated by the supplement, HGH goes to work in the body delivering all the benefits detailed above. If there's a fountain of youth, this is it, say doctors who've reviewed the product. Why not go to and see for yourself.